Our mission is to provide marginalized and underserved men and women with mindful writing opportunities that improve mental health and inspire hope.

“Most people have never met someone detained in jail”

WRITE to HOPE seeks to reach jailed detainees in this most vulnerable stage of incarceration and allow them, through therapeutic mindful writing, to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

The suicide rates among jailed detainees are three times higher than those in the prison population and over half of jail suicides occur within the first week of incarceration.

“Mindful writing uncovers wounds that need air to breathe so they can heal”

Become a WRITE TO HOPE Volunteer

With every person that you mentor, you create a ripple effect that radiates love, wisdom, and countless “right actions” that lead to very real shifts all around us.

Your help is vital in supporting our mission!

Write To Hope is a 501(c)(3) charitable
organization, donations are fully tax-deductible.
IRS Tax ID # 33-1761812

Write To Hope
P.O. Box. 16173
St. Paul, MN 55116